Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Freya Aswynn's Diary
June 3rd, 2007


Freya Aswynn: "My intelligence sources have reported a worrying development within the Asatru or heathen framework. It concerns people who invoke the powers of the Ragnarok prematurely. In the USA of course!."

There is no one I know of who can 'invoke the powers of..Ragnarok', just as there are so few who can even effect the weather. Here is the Under the Black Sun music festival featuring the "Norwegian black metal horde Ragnarok":

Europe was the soil that birthed The Thule Society and the Third Reich, and more recently The Order of Nine Angles and the Satanic Reds.

Freya Aswynn: "Invoking the Midgarsorm with a blood sacrifice will have a resonance if those in charge would be capable magicians, something I am not qualified to judge. However, do you want more hurricanes, do want more brush fires, droughts etc etc."

A very important word here is "if", because I know no "magicians", "capable" or otherwise, who have the power to bring about the natural disasters that Ms. Aswynn appears to be attributing to those who are "invoking the Midgarsorm".

Freya Aswynn: "Invoking this into present will result in more unbalanced natural forces devastating the land."

So Ms. Aswynn is saying that nature is "unbalanced" and that this is due to "capable magicians" "invoking the Midgarsorm". This sounds similar to the Christian preacher who said Hurricane Katrina was a 'curse by god upon the United States' for accepting homosexuality.

Freya Aswynn: "However in modern terms the Midgards orm is that energy which hold the borders between land and water." AND "To invoke and let loose this energy in this day and age were already there are problems with these borders global warming and all that, is a working from which none benefits it’s totally gratuitous ."

Then "invoking the Midgarsorm" will intensify global warming which is a nothing but a political farce.

Freya Aswynn: "And to those in Asatru who reject the notion of ‘magic’ they are at a distinct disadvantage as regarding those who do not only believe but practice magic. I recommend an opening of the mind to the probabilities, as a safe guard."

Belief in magic and belief that Asatru symbols can bring about Ragnarok are two different things. I also believe that this topic is causing a commotion within Asatru, placing a wedge between non-magic users, magic users, and those who use "rokkr" magic.

Do Asatru magic people really think they can move or prevent Hurricanes? Do Asatru people really think their magic users are that powerful? If so, the Asatru magic users have great public relation officers.

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