Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"Shemhamphorash! all hail, divided Name!
Utter it once, O mortal over-rash! -
The Universe were swallowed up in flame -

Nor deem that thou amid the cosmic crash
May find one thing of all those things the same!
The world has gone to everlasting smash.

No! if creation did possess an aim
(It does not.) it were only to make hash
Of that most "high" and that most holy game,
-A. Crowley, Hashed Pheasant, from The Book of Lies

Friday, February 23, 2007

"Both matter and spirit, as such, are eternal and indestructible; but their individualized or special combinations are not unless the will that rules them so wills."
-Will L. Garver, Brother of the Third Degree

Monday, February 19, 2007

"The Temple, as you have wisely observed, has no political agenda. It is like Plato's academy, which sent forth tyrants and scholars, philosophers and generals. We don't take on the world of what is already conditioned and created, but all of our successful graduates do. We seldom lend our Instrumentality to their purposes, knowing that they can network well among themselves, and sure in the knowledge that as they remain in the Temple for the lifelong job of their own Initiation, they will gear their personally assigned Quests for the Temple's expansion and preservation. Well, that's the big secret, I usually don't tell people that one for years."
-assumedly, Don Webb, from an e-mail exchange

Sunday, February 18, 2007

"Like a stag, come here to drink!
Drink Soma, as much as you like.
Pissing it out day by day, O generous one,
You have assumed your most might force!"
-Rig Veda 8.4.10

Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Do we know how to use our five senses for what they are? Emphatically no! We no longer know. But we can have contact with a few people who trained themselves to see, hear, touch, smell, and taste and who have written about what it is like when the sense are turned to their element and stop seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting things, an objective world."
-R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Monday, February 12, 2007

-title heading prior to paragraph 125, The Unibomber Manifesto

Friday, February 09, 2007

Death is Imaginative Intelligence and Harmonious Elegance, and its path meanders from personality to Higher Self; so be sure to take along the napsack of Ethical Preparation.

Upon this journey, keep the Flaming Sword of Re-Conceptualization before you, allowing it to Transform your desire-nature, so you may fully embrace the Dark Night of the Soul.

Let Temperance and Loki assist you in planting the Tree of Life at the end of your journey - there, past the Gates of Death. Then sit with Agape and enjoy the Feast of Fish as the Serpent is Resurrected.

-a poem by Ninmah

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"Be afraid without being terrified."
-Don Juan, The Fire From Within, page 107

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

"There isn't anything I wouldn't dare."
-Gully Foyle

Saturday, February 03, 2007

"The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else; it is a mainspring of human activity - designed largely to avoid the fatality of death, to overcome it by denying in some way that it is the final destiny of man."
-Ernest Becker

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Aeon Words

Aeon Words are those that conceptualize the next stage of evolutionary development. If all these words could be known, they would appear as a central thread, ontowhich the greater tapestry of existence is woven. An image that - like striations in earth, stone and ice - would depict the movements and torrents of humanities rise towards consciousness.

The history of such words is lost in time, so that only a bare estimation can be assumed. Extending back to the Satya Yuga, the divine age of “purity” and “truth”, and in accord with the hypothesis put forth in Kashmir Shaivism, perhaps Svacchandanath, the great avatar of Tantra, can be said to have uttered the first Aeon Word. Allowing full license in speculation, that first word may have been Sunya, “void”, or “the Nothing which is All; Supreme Nothingness”. A word that would demarcate the adept from becoming one with god, to that of being an absolute individual and so divine.

Continuing this chain-of-thought and speculation along a timeline, the next word could have risen from the Yezidis; perhaps it was even Shaitan – perhaps meaning, ‘that which will not bow down’ - but to this, there is no certainty. Moving to the ancient Greeks, perhaps their word to define individuality was Psyche, “soul”. Certainly the Germanic path gave us Odr, as seen in Odhin; and among the Hamitic LHP, the word could have been Set. It was not until Simon Magus, circa 15 century CE, that a clear idea of aeons can be forged in Western thought; specifically when he defined the Aeon Epinoia. Perhaps that word was Ennoia, the ‘Voice of Truth’, the ‘upright Nous’, and the ‘great Logos’ (this latter meaning, ‘word’).

So many other ‘paths’ exist with the possibility of an Aeonic Word that their discovery would take a lifetime of study. The path of Jesus, of the Gnostics and of Islam, the Sufis and Assassins, of Slavs and Celts, even the Witch craze was an era of great change and upheaval - elevating thought from one level to a peak above.

Certainly there was an Age of Satan - with the Crusades, the Renaissance, John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the Hell-Fire Club, the Marquis de Sade, Goethe and Faust. Followed by the Freemasons and Rasputin, and leading to Nietzsche’s use of the word Ressentiment, meaning, “a profound sense of resentment, frustration, and hostility, that ultimately generates a rejecting/justifying 'value-system'.”

Could Heinrich Himmler’s Black Knights held an Aeonic Word, and what of the Theosophists? A time period that preceeded and so suggestively could have birth the Great Beast himself – Aleister Crowley, the man who clearly defined and lived the Aeon.

Abrahadabra is the “Word of the Aeon, which signifieth The Great Work accomplished”, according to Crowley; a “magical formula” not to be confused with the Word of the Law of the Aeon, which is Thelema, or “Will”.

Also according to Crowley, there have been three Aeons:
-Aeon of Isis,
-Aeon of Osiris,
-Aeon of Horus (which began in 1904).
Crowley defined the Aeon of Isis as a period of female reverence, of ‘simplicity and quiet’, where the ‘material ignores the spiritual’. The Aeon of Osiris was marked by a paternal princple, characterized by self-sacrifice, “suffering and death”. The Aeon of Horus then began a period of self-realization and spiritual interests. And according to Charles Stansfeld Jones - Crowley’s declared “magical child” - the future Aeon is Ma’at; and if so, this would be an age of “law, morality and justice”.

Other influences during this time include:
-the Golden Dawn,
-the Argentium Astrum (A:A),
-the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO),
-the Fraternitas Saturni,
-Austin Osman Spare, and his possible word Zos (or the Zos Kia Cultis),
-Georgei I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky (introducing the Fourth Way),
-Modern Witchcraft (not to be confused with Wicca), then culminating in
-Anton Szandor LeVey, whose Aeonic Word, Indulgence, was the furtile soil from which sprung Xeper.

Michael A. Aquino, the Second Beast, in his revealed text, The Book of Coming Forth by Night, birthed a new age with Xeper, “to become; to be; to come into being.” Which is more a call to action than the previous words (assumed and otherwise), which appear more, seemingly, as definitions.

For example, if the words assumed above can be considered as Aeonic Words, then a pattern can also be seen to emerge.

From Sunya (the void) came Shaitan (that which will not bow down) and the realization of Psyche (soul), which embarked upon Set (the barren wasteland) until it realized Odr (divine madness). This Ennoia (voice of truth) then spoke of Ressentiment (frustrated hostility towards existing ‘values’) and the need of Abrahadabra (the Great Work). Which brought about Zos (individual understanding of self) and a willingness to Indulge itself, and in so doing Xeper’d.

Obviously, more than any other Aeonic Word, Xeper has been the most furtile, the most inwardly and outwardly productive. Where the CoS still explores Indulgence – to the point of stagnation – the Temple of Set’s Xeper has birthed five additional Aeonic Words.

Xem is the necessary focus of Xeper; for it is not enough to simply Become, but to continue Becoming. So that Remanifest emerged, emphasizing the result of Xeper-Xem. (through the lens of Xeper); a perception that revealed Runa, the hidden goal, and its drive to both Essent and Arkte.

Regarding Arkte, aside from being a word of transformation, it is the only word (to the writer’s knowledge) that references a constellation, Ursa Major. In ancient Egypt, the Big Dipper “revolved around a blank center, never dipping below the horizon” (1); seemingly mapping perceptual direction. Otherwise, aside from the bear symbology, the ancient Egyptians saw it either as a bull’s thigh or an entire bull; as the latter, it represented the “power of the high gods”. Further, the Egyptian word for this bull was ka – the same word used to describe one of the three spiritual essences – ka, ankh and ba. It has also been speculated that the adze (the symbol of the Opening of the Mouth) was in the shape of this constellation; if so, could this shape also be seen in the Tcham? Either way, the adze, the bull, and the ka all indicate an intimate connection with life and spiritual power as symbols of rebirth and immortal life.


A Trans-Aeonic Perspective
From its generating-point of Xeper, the Aeon of Set matrix has spread to include the discovery of Aeon-supporting Words, including Xem, Remanifest, Runa and Essent. Since Xeper notes the metamorphosis process that all Magi have gone through, the Setian viewpoint offers a trans-Aeonic perspective that illuminates previous philosophies including Agape, Anatta, Aletheia and Thelema.